
Looks like Posterous is taking a page out of Google’s book with their new launch of Spaces. This employs a similar concept to Google + circles where by you can designate certain updates to only show to particular groups of people, whether it be your friends, colleagues, family etc. I’ll be looking into this a bit further over the coming weeks and I’ll let you know how to take advantage of this update.


A Space to call your own.

So, what is your Space? It’s where you

share photos, video, thoughts or whatever.

It’s perfect for staying in-touch with friends,

family, and groups.

A public Space?

Public Space

When it’s worthy of the masses, broadcast to everyone.

Or private Space?

Private Space

To control who sees what, simply make it private.

via Welcome to Posterous Spaces.


Not a blog any more – it’s a space! RT @ojezap: From my tech blog: #Posterous revamps its group sharing, calls it Spaces:
Via Twitter
RT @nakeva: Posterous Swaps Blog Platform for Social Network via @Mashable @meetusinghal
Via Twitter
Posterous gets a massive revamp. New Web app, new iPhone app and introduces ‘Spaces’.
Via Google Buzz
#RGP Posterous Reborn: Spaces Challenge Google Plus and Facebook: Posterous, the niftiest self-publishing platf…
Via Google Buzz