Entries by Michael Leembruggen

Exciting Times For Tech With Australia’s Largest VC Fund Splashing Out $500M

Blackbird is Australia’s leading capital firm that invests in various enterprise technology, healthcare, deep tech, hardware and consumer-based companies. They are a hub for start-ups, providing operational and financial support and transforming their businesses into world class. The venture capital firm provides seed for emerging entrepreneurs by incubating and investing into these companies at their early […]

A Cool $5M For A New Spin On The Old Business Card

Startup Spotlight – Blinq A new spin on an old idea? Good timing? When first looking at the funding this company has managed to raise, I was impressed. There’s been a number of companies attempt to build a new business card app but nothing has really stuck around and been worthwhile replacing the built-in phone functionality. […]

$125 Million Investor Raise – eCommerce Australian Unicorn

With the pet industry in Australia worth a whopping $13 Billion, Pet Circle is one company that has taken their eCommerce business model to the next level when it comes to customer experience and ordering pet food online. Founded in 2011 by Michael Frizell and James Edwards operating from their garage, they made $1 Million in revenue […]

Investor Spotlight – AirTree Ventures

The number of software devs in Australia that I have spoken to in 2022 who have been made redundant is astonishing. Due to overseas investment pulling back, it’s been a turbulent time for tech companies in Australia, not to mention the recent drop in the crypto market leading to further layoffs in web 3.0 ventures. […]

Which Startups Fail and Which Succeed?

We often hear and read about the successes in the startup world, but don’t often hear about the many failures.  It’s inevitable that most businesses fail in their first 3 years. Taking a look into why some succeed and others don’t is invaluable research in potential pitfalls, hurdles, and realistic challenges associated with starting a […]